Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New Blog!

I'd been fairy unreliable posting at our old blog, so I just decided to start a new blog that included both Meredith and our new addition, Mason.  I'll start right off with his two month post so I don't forget to go back and do it.  He's now 2.5 months old, so some of this has changed, but enjoy anyway. :)

He slept through his "2 month" photoshoot, but look super cute anyway!  And doesn't he look big on his boppy?? (I will post the 1 month picture for comparison later.  It's on a memory card that is currently in storage!)

 Mason, at two months, you are...

12 lbs. 15 oz. (75th percentile)
23 inches long (55th percentile)
Your head was in the 25th percentile.

You wear a size 3-6 months or 6 months in clothes.
You wear a size 2 diaper.

Your hair is still blonde.
Your eyes are still mostly blue, but look like they have a little green!

You eat every hour or two during the day and usually go 3-4 hours at night, with an occasional 5 hour stretch thrown in. You're ready for bed early every night!  I LOVE that you love your schedule!
You've had one bottle (You weren't a fan!), but haven't had any formula.

You "kind of" like your paci.  Sometimes you will take it, but most of the time you spit it out.

You like your swing.. for about five minutes! Your favorite part, I think, is watching the mobile.  Every time I put you in it, you look up, like you are waiting for the animals to go start moving!

You like your bouncy seat a lot!

You only cry when you are hungry or have a dirty diaper!

You dislike tummy time and always scoot right off your mat or blanket.  I'm "afraid" this means you will be an early crawler! 

You coo and talk to us all the time.

You started smiling back at us when we smiled at you at six weeks and now you smile ALL the time.

You started giving us small laughs at about 7 weeks.

I think your favorite person is your big sister.  You love to watch her and you smile at her SO BIG every time you see her!  You watch her play and look like you'd love to run around with her!  It won't be long and you will be!  I know the time where you are content to sit on my lap and watch her play will pass quickly!

You love the "Hot Dog" song from "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse".  If it comes on, you immediately look at the TV and you grin if somebody sings it to you!

You have found your hands and feet and study them daily!  You're very close to grabbing your toes and you look so determined when you try!

You are just the sweetest, most handsome baby boy your daddy and I could ever imagine.  We (and your sister!!) love you very much!

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